‘Smart Growth’ Operational Programme
W.S.O.P. Co., Ltd. is currently involved in execution of the project entitled ‘Growth of W.S.O.P. Co., Ltd. business by worldwide sales of equipment for traffic safety tests of automotive vehicles’.
The project objective consists in enhancement of the W.S.O.P. Co., Ltd. competitiveness in international markets by participation in the program for promotion in the sector of automotive and avionic parts. The program is intended to foster the own CERTUS brand of the company as a recognized tradename and to thrive dynamic growth of the company’s sales by establishing of international contacts, interrelationships and winning new customers in global markets. The entire process pursues to enhance worldwide businesses of the company with internationalization of the operation range.
Amount of EU support: PLN 593,910.00
The project is co-financed from European Union funds within the ‘Smart Growth’ Operational Programme. More details about the ‘Smart Growth’ Operational Programme can be found at the website www.poir.gov.pl.