CERTUS 3 vehicle test lanes: premium class solutions
The third generation – CERTUS 3 – combines modern electronic solutions, durable mechanical elements and an attractive design. Besides the experience of the previous two generations CERTUS 3 makes the most of everything that modern technology has to offer in vehicle diagnostics.

The third generation – CERTUS 3 – combines modern electronic solutions, durable mechanical elements and an attractive design.

CERTUS 3 test lanes – a user friendly solution
The CERTUS lane software has been designed as an intelligent tool which, by interacting with the user, is able to quickly and efficiently make the necessary measurements and tests and present an accurate assessment of the vehicle’s condition.
CERTUS 3 test lanes – optional extras
4×4 testing
Extended presentation of test results
Roller exit assist
Help in diagnosing knocks and noises
Archiving and printing test results
Openness to new technical challenges
State-of-the-art electronic solutions and operational stability
CERTUS 3 can guarantee high accuracy of measurements due to frequent collection of the measured values. Software stability is reinforced by using a single concentrator connected with the main board of the control unit rather than sending the data separately from each device of the test lane to the central control unit. High quality electronic components ensure smooth software operation.

CERTUS 3 test lanes – durability and quality of mechanical solutions
The main aim of the CERTUS 3 test lane designers was to achieve high durability of the devices by a careful choice of construction assumptions, material parameters and quality of the components used. Thus perfectly manufactured mechanical parts compliment state-of-the-art electronic components.
CERTUS at work
CERTUS 3 introduces a new generation of vehicle test lanes into the market. Due to their modern, continuously improved and refined technical solutions as well as an attractive design the devices improve the competitiveness of stations where they are fitted.
CERTUS mobile diagnostic station
The Mobile Test Lane CERTUS is a dedicated variation of the conventional, immobile CERTUS system. It comprises a set of test instruments and equipment assembled inside a foldable container, hence it can be used by any governmental authorities or enforcement bodies at any location whenever it can be needed at the moment. The test lane is fully autonomous and the container can be conveyed by a truck purposefully adapted for this application. After arrival to the desired location the container can be quickly unfolded and the test lane is ready for operation in only 15 minutes. Moreover, it occupies really small workplace area with the minimum width of 6.5 metres.
The Mobile Test Lane offers most of the important functionalities attributable to the immobile CERTUS test lanes and enables testing of nearly all types of vehicles that are allowed to move on public roads.

CERTUS 3 Product folder
We are looking for distributors
If you are looking for a tried-and-tested product to include in your offer then we have just what you need! We are looking for distributors of CERTUS – a new vehicle test lane that we produce.

Selected stages of production (a look at the production hall)
Each stage of the production process is carried out with attention to detail. The employees of the production plant have extensive professional experience, are regularly trained and have modern equipment from renowned manufacturers.
About WSOP
WSOP is the producer of the CERTUS vehicle test lane and the leader in equipment for vehicle inspection stations in Poland. The company was set up in 1994 and since then we have equipped over 1800 inspection stations and a few hundred car service stations.
CERTUS 3 test lanes
technical parameters
W.S.O.P. Sp. z o.o.
Dworcowa 62, 44-190 Knurów
phone: +48 32 332 49 30, fax +48 32 332-48-48
e-mail: export [at] wsop.pl
Contact person:
Tomasz Kopcik
phone: +48 32 332 49 30 / mobile +48 660 495 287
e-mail: export [at] wsop.pl / t.kopcik@wsop.pl